Paweł participate at the training on the commercialisation and implementation of research results (Proof of Concept)

Paweł participate at the training on the commercialisation and implementation of research results (Proof of Concept)
7 April 2018 trelam

The training on the commercialisation and implementation of research results (Proof of Concept) comprises 6 main thematic blocks: 

  1. Commercialization Path. This segment presents the most recent legal changes in the Polish commercialisation system and the procedural framework they impose;
  2. IPR Model. Strategies (models) of intellectual property protection. This thematic block examines various  factors which determine the choice of a relevant form of IP protection;
  3. Added value of research results and its practical verification – focuses on the creation of real added value from the point of view of the end user; 
  4. Prototyping – building a prototype and its verification – presents diverse approaches to the visualisation of research results; 
  5. Modelling the relationships with potential customers – creating solutions that take into account the potential needs of the end customer; 
  6. Planning the business scale – introducing and developing commercial partnerships or technological firms – scaling up often proves essential in building competitive advantage. 

The programme takes a step-by-step approach in showing participants the applicability of research and development work, emphasising the role of teamwork which uses the potential and the engagement of all involved parties. We will consider all necessary formal requirements and emphasise out-of-the-box solutions that often require great courage on the part of their creators (disruptive thinking). We will build decision-making matrices in order to select the right commercialisation strategies for your particular project (from Open Access and Open Innovation, through the freemium model, to commercialisation paths based on full monopoly), as well as creating detailed plans for collaborating with investors.

TRAINER: Zbigniew Krzewiński, CoWinners